NEW VISIONS For Listening Experiences

Sound reproduction - From two channel to object-based rendering: Past, present and future of sound via loudspeakers and headphones.

A lifetime ago, there was the paradigm shift from solely signal processing to coding taking the properties of the human auditory systems into account. Since then, two channel coding got perfect.

The new challenge was and is to reproduce sound as it is in our natural environment. For loudspeaker reproduction, this has been solved manyyears ago. Still, current commercial systems, both for loudspeakers and for headphone reproduction, miss out on the ultimate goal.

This talk will introducecurrent work on plausible headphone reproduction of sound in a room. This is based on cognitive effects, knowledge on how our brain processes sound.



Brandenburg Labs: Karlheinz Brandenburg by Ulrike Lechte

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Brandenburg

Founder & CEO
Brandenburg Labs