Prof. Dr. Christian Baierle new visions for music and sound

Prof. Dr. Christian Baierle


Prof. Dr. Christian Baierle is the CEO of ROBA Music Publishing, one of the leading independent music publishers.

Christian studied law specialising in media law in Hamburg and Oxford. In 2003 he finished his doctoral thesis with the subject "The distribution of music on the Internet". In 2006 he was admitted to the Hamburg bar as a lawyer and in 2007 to Harvard University (Cambridge/Boston).

In 2008 Christian finished his second book and habilitation (prof. degree) about music publishing. This book has become the acclaimed standard book in this area.

Christian is a member of the German Music Publishers Association (DMV) popular board and a member of the lawyers committee within the "association of independent music companies" (VUT). He is the author of numerous publications in the field of music law and music economy and regularly gives invited speeches about these subjects. Christian is also an expert speaker on music publishing to the European Commission.

Recently he has been largely responsible for ROBA's m&a strategy where he has helped the company acquire over 20 music publishers in the last two years.